ATTOCK: A man shot dead his friend over doubts of having illicit relations with his sister in the limits of Basal police station on Saturday.
In-charge heinous crime investigation unit Sub Inspector Mohammad Tufail told newsmen that Tanzeel Ahmed suspected that his old friend Abubakar Hayat had illicit relations with his sister.
On Saturday, when Hayat came to see his friend Ahmed in village Dhoke Khunda, he shot him with his pistol killing the guest on the spot.
Police arrested Ahmed and registered a murder case against him.
Separately, a 10-year-old boy was electrocuted while catching a kite in Mohallah Sabirabad in limits of Hassanabdal Police station.
Police and hospital sources said that Mohammad Naseer was trying to catch a flying kite when he accidently touched high voltage wires as result, he received serve electric shock and died on the spot.
Police raids
Hassanabdal Police on Saturday raided at two different gambling dens and arrested as many as 21 gamblers. Hassanabdal Circle Sub divisional Police Officer ASP Ammara Sherazi while talking to newsmen said that police raided two different gambling den and arrested 21 people on charges of gambling.
She said that 14 gamblers were arrested in a raid on Bhaidian Link Road where they were allegedly gambling on cock fight.
She said that another police party raided at a gambling den and arrested as many as seven persons while gambling. She said that motorcycles, gambling tolls, mobiles, cocks and bet money was also seized by police.
She said separately police raided at the liquor den of Waqas Shahzad and recovered 18 litres of liquor from his possession. She said that separate cases have registered against them beside further investigation was launched.